Classified Abbreviations

Many advertisers use abbreviations in their classified advertisements in newspapers for one purpose - to save money.

The less space they use, the cheaper will be the advertisement.

The following list of abbreviations, and their variations, can be found in the Positions Vacant columns of most newspapers.

What do you think they might mean?

p.t. posn
f. time
prev. exp. pref.
pd. wkly.
approx 20hrs p.w.
sal. neg.
pls. ph.
jun. trnee
Iux. off. & conds
jun. typ.
swbd., s/b.
s'hand essent.
avg. spd.
gd. hrs.
bldg. cnr. Smith & Brown Sts
techncl. exp. nec.
perm. posn.
temp. reqd
cas. snr.
ph. for appt.
char. refs. nec.
excel. conds
bus. hrs., B/H
exper. essent.
comm. immed.
min. qual.
prom. oppty.
trng. incl.
asst. for P.R. Co.
a.h. work inv.
p.m. a.m
metro area
sub., subs.
clercl. off. duties
cap. person reqd.
ph. ext.
Pers. dept.
What does this advertisement mean????


Capable person reqd for perm posn in
accounts dept. Prev exp in similar posn
pref. Good s'hand essent and some typ
exp reqd. We offer immed start in our lux
off with excel conds. Sal neg to $8500.
Ph 535 7669 ext 852 for appt during
bus hrs. Refs nec.
Sounds a bit like double dutch, but in English it reads . . .

"Capable person required for permanent position in accounts department. Previous experience in similar position preferred. Good shorthand is essential and some typing experience required. We offer immediate start in our luxury office with excellent conditions. Salary negotiable (means - can be arranged) to $8500. Telephone 535 7669 extension 852 for appointment during business hours. References will be necessary.

Can you understand what these classified advertisements are really saying?
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