Visiting Employers

Four people dropped into the Personnel Office of a firm looking for work.

Here are their conversations with the Personnel Officer...

What could you say about the different attitudes/approaches used by each of the applicants below?

Personnel Officer - "Can I help you?"
A. I'm interested in getting a job. What have you got available?
B. Have you got any jobs going at the moment?
C. I'm looking for a job as a ...Have you any positions available at the moment?
D. I'm interested in getting work either as a ..or a ..Have you any positions vacant at the moment?

No, nothing at the moment, sorry.
A. Oh.... O.K. See ya!
B. Why not? I'm getting sick of knock backs.... are you sure?
C. Oh, nothing in that field.....what positions have you got then?
D. Right. Is there anything coming up in the near future that might be suitable?

No, I'm sorry, we don't have anything available now or in the near future.
B. Grumble..........
C. Oh well, never mind. Thanks a lot. Bye.
D. Oh... would you mind if I filled in an application form, or left my résumé with you in case something does come up shortly?

Certainly.... here's a form. Just fill it in and leave it on the desk. If something comes up, we'll get you in for an interview if we think you might be suitable.
D. Thank you very much....

The important thing is to create a good impression, so that even if there are no jobs going at the moment, you are still able to leave your name and/or other details.

If you find that you are getting nothing but "no, sorry" answers, look at your approach and follow through - maybe they will need working on to get better results.

Try to think of some reasons why you should make an appointment to see the Personnel Officer, rather than just "landing" there, which isn't really being considerate of the demands being placed on them!

Remember that it should be easier for you to "sell" yourself in person than trying to do it over the phone.

Think about, from the employer's point of view, such things as:
the time of day, the amount of work waiting to be done, preparing for the interview "frame of mind", how they just happen to feel at that time.

How are these things likely to affect the reaction you will receive?


By now you've got an interview :)
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