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A recommended guide that can help young professionals with their mental health while working remotely.

With millions of businesses shifting to work-from-home policies due to the pandemic, employees, including young professionals just starting out, have had to quickly adapt to remote work and its impact on their careers, work-life balance, and mental wellbeing.
The guide offers a lot of great information, such as:- Why remote working has become the new normal due to lockdowns - An estimated 30% of the workforce could be home-based by the end of 2021.- How remote working can significantly affect physical and mental health.- Different ways you can alleviate stress when working from home, such as creating a comfortable work environment and taking regular breaks.- How employers can help to make working from home healthier and less stressful for their employees.

Company :: Ezra
Telephone :: N/A
Address :: 55 Gracechurch Street London London United Kingdom

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Date listing added or last updated :: Mon Jul 26 04:38:42 C 2021

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